Dave lives in Southern California – San Dimas of Bill & Ted fame – and is a teacher. He has spent 15 years to write his first book about a teacher that runs for president.

The lessons he tries to teach his kids were applied to his book. They’ve discussed it in the classroom, but Dave tries to bring in other books for the kids to read and discuss also.

Dave’s book – Fool’s Luck

Dave Millbrandt Author Website


Some of Dave’s favorite books:

A Favorite Bookstore




00:00:00] Dave: Are you looking for new books to read? Do you like finding a new, special author? Are you tired of the same old books from the same old authors? Well then, welcome to Discovered Wordsmiths, a podcast where you can hear from fantastic new authors. Join Stephen Schneider as he finds and talks to authors you may not know, but authors that have worked hard to write great new books.

[00:00:28] Hear about their book and why you should check it out. So sit back and listen to today’s discovered wordsmith.

[00:00:46] Stephen: Great. Well, uh, Dave, welcome to the podcast. It’s good to talk to you. Thanks, Stephen.

[00:00:51] Dave: Glad you could help me on today. I’m looking forward to it.

[00:00:53] Stephen: Yeah, this is going to be fun. I’m glad we’ve got some time. It’s a great afternoon to be talking. Dave, for everybody [00:01:00] listening, before we start talking about your book, tell us a little bit about yourself, who you are, where you live, what you

[00:01:04] Dave: like to do.

[00:01:06] Thanks so much. I am a school teacher from Southern California. I live in the L. A. Area. I teach high school government and economics. The fun stuff. I like to call it on the side. I do the writing as we talked about. We’re going to talk about today here books and working on screenplays for fun. Time with family photography on the side there.

[00:01:24] I noticed that you are a fan of Star Wars and Rage of the Lost Ark. Some of the stuff I love as well. Some of the classics I’d like to call them, but I just like to enjoy a bit of this and that and kind of observe what I see out there and write it down and tell stories. You teach

[00:01:39] Stephen: government and some history.

[00:01:41] Did you use those skills, writing your book, the stuff you’ve learned and incorporate it?

[00:01:46] Dave: I did. I, the character in my book, the protagonist is a high school teacher who wins a lottery and decides to run for president and it was kind of so it’s your personal

[00:01:55] Stephen: fantasy book.

[00:01:57] Dave: No, my personal nightmare book. no, [00:02:00] I assure you.

[00:02:02] Knowing enough about the process. I would not want to do that myself, but it was a fun little speculation piece.

[00:02:08] Stephen: Yeah. And I bet not just knowing about the process, but trying to get the kids to understand the process probably is like, yeah, I’m

[00:02:15] Dave: done with that. No. And I try to tell them that it’s a force for good.

[00:02:19] And when they see the news or hear the talking heads, they don’t quite believe me and that’s the conversation that we try to get them to that spot, but that’s not an easy one. So it was kind of fun to delve into that realm and kind of merge those. Two parts of my life together, the fiction side and also the reality.

[00:02:35] But let me assure you, I I’m good where I am. I I’ll be happy to visit the white house as a visitor, but not as an occupant. I’m great.

[00:02:44] Stephen: Visitor that’s allowed to go in.

[00:02:46] Dave: Exactly. Yes.

[00:02:48] Stephen: You mentioned you like star Wars in that. Do you use any of that in your teaching, like for a government and, you know, some of the stuff that happened in the movies,

[00:02:58] Dave: you know, sometimes I will make [00:03:00] reference to the idea of governments and.

[00:03:03] power and control. It’s always fun to see what kind of touchstone the students have with the series. I prefer more of the classic ones. They think the newer ones are better. I try to say that I pretend they don’t exist and we have a fun little chat conversation. But I do tend to play some of the soundtrack music while they’re taking tests or doing some studying and some of them will appreciate a John Williams piece or some other composers as well.

[00:03:27] So it’s fun to connect that way.

[00:03:29] Stephen: Yeah, that’s kind of cool. Yeah, I like to write a lot to soundtracks,

[00:03:33] Dave: especially John. Yes. So do I, um, my latest book I wrote to the pull dark soundtrack TV show out of England. Um, sometimes down to now be my next book. I might try some John Williams. I enjoy him for fun, but I might use that in the background.

[00:03:47] It’s my processing music and to kind of inspire me a bit. So I really do enjoy what John has to

[00:03:53] Stephen: do. Yeah, I know a lot of people find like playlists that are the type of vibe they want to get for [00:04:00] some scene or whatever. So that’s always fun. It is. Okay. So, and let me ask where in Southern California do you live?

[00:04:09] Dave: Um, I live in a little city called San Dimas. It is about 30 miles from LA. Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure. I worked at the high school. Yes, we know well aware of that there where Los Angeles and Orange County is kind of bump up against each other. That’s where I lived. I don’t see celebrities on a daily basis.

[00:04:26] Like everybody thinks they do. I’m just a normal guy who goes to Trader Joe’s. But I live 30 miles from the entertainment capital of the world or at least of north america And so that is a bit of fun It’s fun to make sure that southern california culture when I reference it in the book is accurate.

[00:04:43] It’s the five freeway It’s the 210 There’s an interstate this or highway that people go to in and out and have hamburgers But I try to keep that vibe local and if I go to other places I contact with other people that live there and say hey I don’t want to sound like I’m an outsider who’s never been to your [00:05:00] city.

[00:05:00] What things do I need to talk about? How do I need to frame things in the writing to make sure people that live there locally go, Oh, he’s done some research,

[00:05:08] Stephen: right? Yeah, that’s cool. Cause I, you always find people that say, Oh, I’ve never heard of this guy. I’ve never read this book, but it’s set in my hometown.

[00:05:15] So I got to check it out. And

[00:05:16] Dave: I do have a bit of that. People that say, Oh, it’s something California said. I want to read those books. Sure. If that’s it, love to have you. Yeah.

[00:05:23] Stephen: Well, I live for a while in Escondido, a little bit further south. Yes. A nice area. Uh, if you, if you like weather that doesn’t change, San Diego is the place

[00:05:33] Dave: to go.

[00:05:34] We were just there this past week on a little bit of a vacation break and I leave 70 degree weather and I’m driving back to the Inland Empire, in essence, where I live. About 10 to 20 degrees hotter. And I have to remind myself, family, job, everything I know is up here. Otherwise I would have just stayed in San Diego area.

[00:05:52] It’s nice and wonderful weather.

[00:05:55] Stephen: Yeah, it always is. So why did you want to start writing? What got you [00:06:00] into writing?

[00:06:01] Dave: Well, you know, I’m like most writers they have that story of when they were in middle school or sometime there They wrote a story and they told a story and everybody and they fell in love with that idea here I wrote a story.

[00:06:13] It was terrible. It was badly done But I kind of fell that I did some journalism and high school college in my beginning of my career But I had this notion that I should write something a little bit longer than the short stories. I did in my college classes So in 1998, I get this brilliant idea. I’m going to write a novel and I’m, you know, I’ll just take the summer.

[00:06:34] I’ll write it. I spent five weeks. I write what is the perfect novel, of course, but it’s not. And this is where, and I’ve talked a little bit before about this off air, where I spent 15 years trying to get that perfect novel in some shape ready to publish. So there’s a lot of ambition that goes into writing, a lot of motivation that says I’m going to jump into it and I’m going to be the guy who’s going to go write that book and make it wonderful and [00:07:00] everybody’s going to buy it.

[00:07:01] Then there’s the reality. And that reality sets in and says, well, you got to make it good enough for people to pick up and read and spend 10, 15 bucks on it or so. And so that becomes a lengthy process. And that is kind of what made me into a writer. Not the beginning part where I wrote the story, but where I crafted it, honed it, polished it, and got it ready for publication.

[00:07:22] Yeah,

[00:07:22] Stephen: I get that. I I’ve gotten that feeling also people, uh, quite often think, Oh, I wrote this and I’m done, I got it now. It’s really a lot of work after that for most people.

[00:07:35] Dave: And people get shocked when they say, Oh, I’ve written a book. They’re surprised. I tell him to my think of myself. I say I could have written down my grandmother’s ice cream recipe a thousand times.

[00:07:44] That’s enough pages for a book. I’ve got something that’s readable. And so it’s reading, uh, good authors. It’s writing good stuff. It’s editing. It’s revising. It’s editing again. Um, sometimes the beta readers are really helpful in that process. [00:08:00] So it’s kind of getting something that’s good for the market and that takes time.

[00:08:04] Yeah,

[00:08:04] Stephen: agreed. So, uh, tell us, uh, tell us what your first book is called and, uh, what it’s about.

[00:08:11] Dave: Okay, excellent. Um, i’ll talk quickly about my first trilogy, which is already done And then i’ll talk about the one I just published here. Excellent. Yeah, no worries. Yeah, so I did self published a trilogy As individual books, I never realized after the end of each book i’m going to write another one I keep telling myself it’s too painful to try, but I did it.

[00:08:29] The book one is called chasing deception, um, about a Religious leader turns into a cult leader and they investigate what’s going on with him and what drives him in the Jim Jones kind of way from a kind of our childhoods, if you will. Second book involves a college campus and a scandal on a campus and how that evolves.

[00:08:47] And the third book, uh, involves a local guy who’s running for a state assembly seat. So that’s my first trilogy, Chasing Deception, Undue Pressure. And running undue pressure. We’re working on as a movie actually right now with a writing [00:09:00] partner nice But I said all that aside I said I have nothing else to write and one day my wife and I are chatting My wife’s also a writer and we’re chatting about ideas and we’re talking about this notion said hey If somebody who won the lottery it did something good with it something powerful like run for president And all of a sudden, fool’s luck is born.

[00:09:21] And so my wife and I tend to inspire each other as writers. And that was a moment where the aha light bulb goes on and then fool’s luck began to grow and it’s created. And yeah, I chat with my bride a lot and we talk about ideas and. He says, Hey, you need to work on that and this. And so while I do write the book, it’s obviously a lot of good collaboration and similar with her work, I like to encourage her a lot and the thing she’s doing too.

[00:09:45] It’s a very fun partnership. And what I didn’t expect when I got married, but it’s really blossomed as we’ve kind of developed a writing careers.

[00:09:54] Stephen: So what is fool’s luck? What’s the basic synopsis story?

[00:09:58] Dave: Sure. So the idea here is [00:10:00] we have our average regular high school government teacher who thinks he knows how things are done.

[00:10:04] He wins the lottery and power bond. He’s winning like 400 million boils out about a quarter million, quarter billion or so about 250 million. What is he going to do with it? Well, he’s going to run for president. The problem is he doesn’t bother to tell his wife before he announces it. He doesn’t share it with the family.

[00:10:21] He just has this notion. It’s April of the election year. And so we follow him along the process. Does his family come on board? Do they not? How does he get America to come on board with this guy who no one’s ever heard of? He’s kind of funny in the classroom, but outside of that, he’s, who knows him? So I get some political experts on the board there and he runs for office.

[00:10:40] But during this time, he has a struggle spending time with his family. There’s a health crisis at home. He’s got to deal with, and he has to split time between the campaign trail and that, and it follows him on this trajectory on this pathway, trying to go for this job here. He also is someone who is struggling with faith.

[00:10:57] He has some values. He’s believed them, but kind of walked away from [00:11:00] them. Could he have some here? And when things don’t go as well, he shakes his angry fist at God as people are want to do. And he’s kind of held in check on that. So you do have this sort of tracking of multiple storylines, and it’s somewhat funny where some people say, I think the book is perfect.

[00:11:15] Others will say. I like the family stuff. The politics kind of got boring, but I, the family stuff was good. And they might flip it. They love the politics, but the family stuff, I’m a writer. I put both in and sort of, I have these competing a story, B story, if you will, C story perhaps as well. And they would sort of weave together in the narrative.

[00:11:34] And whoever likes one part, it pulls them in and hopefully they stay for the rest of it. Uh, it’s

[00:11:39] Stephen: already out. Did you traditionally publish?

[00:11:42] Dave: I did this time. I was very fortunate this time. I’ve independent published previously. And this time I thought I’d try again. I, I queried the agents. No, thank you. I queried some of the publishers.

[00:11:51] No, thank you. I go on Facebook, one of my social media groups here, and I said, Hey, how about this company? I, I sent it to them and they said, Oh, we really [00:12:00] like this story. And the publisher really was excited about it. He got on board with it and he’s got the team behind me. So traditionally publishing, it’s a different beast, uh, indie publishing.

[00:12:10] I set my own parameters. I set my own timeframe. I put it out when I want to. I contract with all my independent contractors for cover editing and so forth. With traditional, I have a team behind me now. I don’t control everything, but that means I also don’t have to control everything. And that’s a nice chain.

[00:12:28] Stephen: Uh, are they picking up any more of the books? Are you doing any sequels to

[00:12:31] Dave: this one? At this point, there are no sequels. I do have another standalone book. Um, I’ve sort of grown and matured in my writing and sometimes my base element changes a bit here, whether it was in the first book, we had a full on conversion story, my first novel.

[00:12:45] I mean, it is Christian as Christian can get. But later books, I’ve taken out a bit of that, not to strip the faith element, but it becomes a secondary and more subtle element of the storytelling. The next book may have even less, and I don’t know whether it’s general market or Christian [00:13:00] fiction yet. We’ll see where it goes to, so if they’ll take me, oh, I’d love to go with them again.

[00:13:04] Great experience, but we’ll see where the best place to place that piece is. So I’ve sort of grown with the writing and changed with it. I have authors that inspire me and we’ll see where the story goes.

[00:13:14] Stephen: Okay. And I assume it’s on Amazon and where else can people find

[00:13:19] Dave: it? Amazon Barnes and Noble, a Christian book, uh, as well, we are going to get the audible out soon.

[00:13:25] I have a great narrator who I know who’s done about 40, 50 Kindle books already, or audible books already. And so that will be accessible in the near term future. So this is really exciting. Different venues are getting it. Different medium and platforms are getting it. Our local county library is going to stock a few copies.

[00:13:41] Uh, and even some Barnes and Noble will do some in book in store sales, which is exciting too. Good. Great.

[00:13:47] Stephen: Uh, and what type of feedback are you getting from readers?

[00:13:52] Dave: They really liked the story and it’s nice to see that people that have read it previously enjoy it and they enjoy the growth in the writing.[00:14:00]

[00:14:00] Uh, some people that are new really like it say, I’ve never read one of his books, but I’m going to read more, uh, probably one of my favorite ones was somebody that said when I read about the premise, I wasn’t really sure when I read the book, I was sold the premise is a bit fantastical. I completely understand.

[00:14:16] Like you said before, it sounds like the fantasy job, but when you read about it, you realize it’s not all it’s cracked up to be and people have bought into that. They really liked it. So I’m really pleased. I’ve had a lot of good sales. Amazon had me at the number 65 slot in Christian fiction and print sales.

[00:14:33] Uh, one day I was playing around the top 100 slot for a little while there. So some sales have been good so far. We’re going to try to do some more marketing and spread that out more and try to increase sales there again, too. And when the audible comes out, you know, even more people get a chance to get ahold of the book.

[00:14:47] Stephen: Right, right. What about your students? Have any of them read it and given you feedback?

[00:14:52] Dave: They haven’t yet, uh, since it’s been during the summer. Uh, it’ll be very curious to see what they see when they come back here. When those are heard about it, they [00:15:00] might pick it up or something. I try not to put too much promotion in the classroom, because it sounds like I’m selling my own book in the middle of a class on federalism.

[00:15:08] But I do like to let them know, hey, I write books. Uh, they have tended to enjoy them. I often will find a way to sneak in students names as characters. It’s always fun to do Family members are pretty good. I did have one time where I had a friend request to be in the book like sure What do you want to be?

[00:15:24] I want to be a dead body Okay I changed his name a little bit, but it was clearly him, you know, I said gangland hip They never found all the body parts. He goes back. I mean, he’s all mad. I said You said you wanted to be a dead body. You’re in the book. Yeah, I have a little fun there. Um, and I like to do that where I, you know, honor people for various namings of things.

[00:15:44] You need a lot of character names. Anyways, you might as well throw in a few folks that are fun and friendly and that will appreciate it. And I tend to get a lot of feedback. They say, you write books. I do write books. You know, it’s something that I do. I’m not famous, but I’m trying to grow my brand and get some more readers.

[00:15:59] And that’s [00:16:00] fun. Nice. Yeah.

[00:16:01] Stephen: Well, you know, it’ll probably happen is you’ll get some kid that’ll find your book and read it. Everyone in school that’ll read it. So you’ll either get a lot of kids like, Oh my gosh, that was great. Or you’ll get them all like really razzing you like every class.

[00:16:15] Dave: You know, they were asked me enough as it is.

[00:16:16] I can take more. I’m a high school teacher, but it’d be kind of fun to see. You’re mad at me. You paid 17 bucks for the book. I’m okay with that. That’s fine. You paid 10, 12 bucks on audible or in Kindle format, five bucks in Kindle. I still get money. Go

[00:16:30] Stephen: ahead. Right. Well, it’s probably their parents, but

[00:16:33] Dave: either way now they’ve read it.

[00:16:36] They engaged it. They thought about it. And that’s the most important part that they are thinking about the ideas and they’re having fun with it. And hopefully they, his story is a little bit of fun for them.

[00:16:44] Stephen: I was talking to another author who gets some, uh, letters every now and then he writes a horror comedy and he’ll get, he wrote a couple why a like that.

[00:16:55] Most of them are definitely adult and he gets feedback from teachers saying, you [00:17:00] know. I discovered your books and the kids eat them up. I said, kids that I’ve never gotten to read, uh, will read your book and love it and ask for another one. She’s like, you know, thanks. So I think in schools, sometimes we need to get away from the ones that have traditionally been.

[00:17:17] Let’s read this book that none of you will like and none of you will remember. You know, let, let’s, I think the goal should be more, let’s get kids to read and find some things they enjoy.

[00:17:28] Dave: And I’ve liked to do that. When I taught English, I was really big on that and I brought up books like the Freedom Writers Diary, or is the Kite Runner, which is controversial.

[00:17:37] Okay, I’m down with that. And I would get them to try to engage this stuff. Stuff’s not traditional in the curriculum. We would add it in. And get students to kind of connect there and they enjoy those things. They’re real. They’re tangible. I like the Great Gatsby like everybody other English teacher does to or has feelings about it.

[00:17:53] I have thoughts about Hemingway and Steinbeck and Shakespeare and whatnot, but I like the other pieces too. I taught the [00:18:00] Hunger Games just to teach is a simple story. I’m talking about story elements in a fairly good way. That’s rather funny in that book. It’s first person that never written first person before.

[00:18:09] And some of its present tense and all of its present tense. I thought I’ll never write first person, present tense, my prologue and my epilogue are first person, present tense. So sometimes you can play with that rule and sometimes you can bend it. It’s kind of fun to see what rules I can bend these days.

[00:18:23] Right. Yeah.

[00:18:24] Stephen: And you know, that’s something you can do, uh, whatever you feel like. Uh, and I, I think, uh, switching it up a little bit, especially first person draws people in. So, that’s probably a good thing. It does. Besides the books you’ve written, what are some of your favorite books and authors that you like?

[00:18:43] Dave: Oh, excellent. Thanks for asking that question here. Um, you know, I like to read currently a lot of Davis Bunn. I am a fan of Charles Martin, who’s, uh, you know, fairly popular in the genre now as well. Uh, I pick up a Khaled Hosseini, again the Kite Runner reference. [00:19:00] Chris and Hannah’s, um, The Nightingale, I loved.

[00:19:03] I just did. I’m growing more toward the literary fiction, the lyrical kind of writing. Some of the things like Fitzgerald, and who I, who I adore. Flaws and all, we all, we all got them. Uh, so those are some of the people that I kind of pivot to. I’ll pick up a good spy thriller, just… For a fun escapism read.

[00:19:20] I need some of those from time to time, but when I want to get inspired, I’m looking at people out there that are really writing things that are engaging. I’m trying to pick up my game a bit, uh, as a reader and also, uh, then hopefully that will trickle down and be infused in the writing as well. Yeah,

[00:19:35] Stephen: that’s common.

[00:19:37] Advice, uh, if you’re not a reader, uh, you can’t really be much of a writer, so you should read

[00:19:45] Dave: I read a bad, uh, a book recently that was just bad and I kept reading for it to get better and it didn’t. It was formula is cliche and I’m like saying to myself. Oh, my goodness. Wow. Uh, and so I don’t want to write like that.

[00:19:57] And some of my stuff, you can maybe predict where it’s going. Uh, hopefully [00:20:00] not all of it, but I really want to kind of engage and bring it up a level. So I’ve got to bring up my game a level. I’ve got to bring up my skill set a level.

[00:20:07] Stephen: Well, if it says anything, Stephen King reads daily. So, you know, if he can read daily, anyone could read daily

[00:20:14] Dave: and right.

[00:20:15] Oh yeah. And one of the things I love with him, his book, 11, 22, 63, he brings up some of his other stuff. And it’s fine. You know, everything in the mist kind of concept. But and I, you know, he’s, he’s Stephen King. Uh, but 11. 263 was just sort of mind blowing. It was really taking that history genre and alternative histories and.

[00:20:35] Bringing his thoughts to it. And I just sort of was really kind of blown away by that. Just as a reminder that authors who you think, you know, can do stuff like a John Grisham, who I love is kind of ventured into some much more, not speculative in the speculative fiction, but more experimental stuff for him.

[00:20:53] And sometimes he’s got some really interesting ideas out there. I like that when you go beyond your comfort zone, what you get to see out there and what people will do for [00:21:00] you. Uh, As far as read your books, but also what the writers will do as they go out there and where they will take you to. And that’s exciting.

[00:21:06] Stephen: Right? Yeah, I agree. Uh, it doesn’t always work out. Uh, sometimes you just want the, you know, that author to give you what you’re used to and need, but, uh, it is nice sometimes to see some of the

[00:21:19] Dave: other things they do. Right. I, I want that guaranteed thing. I want that, that feel, that piece there. It’s going to be stable.

[00:21:25] What I’m looking for. But, you know, trying to read a lot of the fiction and sometimes even incorporating nonfiction with that uses narrative storytelling elements and techniques helps the writing too. And that’s kind of exciting to see. Right.

[00:21:36] Stephen: Um, Dave, besides books and authors, do you have any local bookstores that you like to go

[00:21:41] Dave: to?

[00:21:43] Golly. Um, I am a fan of the local Barnes and Noble. I know I should be of the smaller sellers. Those are sadly disappeared mostly from our region. I have threatened time and again. I need you some point to go to the last bookstore in L. A uh, and it’s a fancy place out there. They’ve [00:22:00] got all sorts of great little historical pieces there.

[00:22:03] Um, you know, someday I want to go to the bodily and, you know, of course, because, you know, who doesn’t want to go to famous British library system, but, you know, any local place where I can go and see. Authors out there and more than just the Amazon click and look at, but to look at books there and kind of be around them, that smell, that sense, the idea of experimenting, looking at a new author.

[00:22:25] That’s kind of fun. I don’t do it enough. We all need to do more of it and the local library. I’m telling you. I am conservative with my money and local library. I’m happy to look it up and get it there. That’s why I like to donate my books to the library to make sure that people have that resource too.

[00:22:39] I’ve gotten videos and books throughout the years of the library system, saved a good deal of money, enjoyed a book for a time and let someone else do it. Ben Franklin’s best idea. If you ask me,

[00:22:48] Stephen: I agree. I I’m a big proponent of books or libraries and going there to get books, get whatever they offer.

[00:22:56] Some of the programs I have there. I, I always will tell [00:23:00] people they’re like, I don’t know what to do with my kids. Well, take them to the library, start them out young at the library. I love it.

[00:23:07] Dave: My niece, who’s now six, got her first library card at three or four, we took her there, got her a library card, and she checks out, is checking out books there, and that love for books is still there, and hopefully it will continue.

[00:23:18] Stephen: Yeah, and yeah, when parents go, I can’t get them to read, I don’t know what to do, uh, well, considering that you bought them an Xbox before you got them a library card, there’s part of the problem, but you know. That’s my

[00:23:32] Dave: opinion. They give it to the tech, the technology is an easy, uh, out of time. Did I get it?

[00:23:37] It can be fun too, but you go to the library and the librarian knows what he or he is talking about. Once they’re good, you can recommend a good book for your kid or some ideas here. They, they deal with books all day long, right? So that expert advice there might not be a bad way to go from your local expert who we pay good tax dollars for Agreed.

[00:23:55] Stephen: Yep. All right. Well before we go, uh for this first part and move on [00:24:00] to the second part Uh anyone listening tell them why they should go

[00:24:04] Dave: buy your book Thank you so much. Why should you go pick up Fool’s Log? If you’re looking for a good summer read, uh, this is it. It’s a nice book. It’s not 400 pages. Uh, it’s about 280, I think it is here.

[00:24:16] So it’s a nice good summer read. It’s got compelling characters. Uh, it takes the fanciful story of a guy running for president and makes it relatable and connected to our daily lives here. Uh, we’re talking about family. We’re talking about politics. We’re kind of weaving it together. Uh, sarcasm is my personal first language.

[00:24:31] I speak sarcasm better than anything else. My characters tend to as well. You will chuckle in this book if you like a good bit of sarcasm and humor, but it’s real as well. There are a lot of different elements going together here. Different audiences can enjoy it. And it’s just a good, fun read here. If you’re sick of politics as it is, think about politics as it could be.

[00:24:50] Pick up Fool’s Law.

[00:24:52] Stephen: Nice. There you go. There’s a sales pitch. All right. Well, Dave, it’s been great talking to you. Uh, and we’re going to come back in a moment and talk about Part B [00:25:00] and we’re going to talk about writing a book for 15 years.

[00:25:04] Dave: Thank you. Awesome. Thank you. Looking forward to

[00:25:06] Stephen: it.

[00:25:07] Dave: Thank you for listening to Discovered Wordsmiths.

[00:25:10] Come back next week and listen to another author discuss the road they’ve traveled and maybe sometime in the near future, it might be you.

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